The FRAP is a non-profit organization created in 2014.
The FRAP is a non-profit organization created in 2014.

Today represents Francophone and Francophile newcomers and immigrants established in Alberta and which works for their social, economic and cultural inclusion.

Discover our services
About La Francophonie Albertaine Plurielle (FRAP)
About La Francophonie Albertaine Plurielle (FRAP)

● Settlement & Case Management
● Settlement Services in Schools
● Integration & Community Development


Who are we?

Born out of a demand for fairer representation of people of immigrant origin in both the teaching and administrative staff of the Conseil scolaire du Centre-Nord (CSCN), the FRAP is a non-profit organization created in 2014, which today represents Francophone and Francophile newcomers and immigrants established in Alberta and which works for their social, economic and cultural inclusion. As part of this mandate, the FRAP offers direct services including the reception, settlement and integration of Francophone newcomers and indirect services including the coordination of the settlement program in schools in the prairies and the Northwest Territories.

The mission of the FRAP is to:

Promote social, cultural and economic inclusion and diversity, in order to allow French-speaking immigrants to settle and better integrate into a predominantly English-speaking environment by receiving services in French.

The vision of FRAP is stated as follows:

FRAP is known and recognized as a major player in building a renewed Francophone community, characterized by inclusion, interculturality, openness to others, respect for diversity and promotion of human dignity.

The mandate of FRAP is as follows:

FRAP is a non-profit and apolitical organization whose mandate is to represent Francophone and Francophile newcomers and immigrants established in Alberta and to work for their social, economic and cultural inclusion. As part of this mandate, the FRAP offers direct services, including the reception, settlement and integration of Francophone newcomers, and indirect services, including the coordination of the settlement program in prairie schools and Northwest Territories.

The FRAP values are:

- Integrity, we act with honesty and respect, and are faithful to our values.
- Inclusion, we believe that each person has the right to be accepted in society; to have positive exchanges with her peers and to be valued for who she is.
- Fairness, we treat all human beings fairly and with dignity in respect of rights.
- Resilience, we have the ability to resist, adapt and overcome challenges and threats of all kinds

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